Monday, April 30, 2007

Notorious J.O.B.

I currently work at Best Buy with Ernie but let me tell you, finding a part-time job in this world is no easy task. I’ve had my fair share of part-time jobs and I am about to give you some precautions before you apply for these jobs.

If you are applying for a job at….

Friendly’s: If you apply for a job at Friendly’s be forewarned that by the end of the night you will smell like greasy food and it will take you two hours of scrubbing to get it off you. You will also be covered head to toe in ice cream. Oh, and they only give you one uniform so you have to wash it nightly so you are ready to work the next day. Plus, Friendly’s is a not so friendly place, everybody that works there has the worst attitude and it is bound to rub off on you. Not the best job.

Sears: I worked at Sears over Christmas break just to make enough money to buy books for next semester. First, they don’t listen to the times that you are actually available. They are going to schedule for whenever they feel like it, even if you explicitly say you cannot work Christmas Eve at eight because you are going to mass. Secondly, the people who go to Sears to buy their products believe that they are God and you are their servants. Even if your job is just to restock the shelves the consumers will expect you to be able to find every item they need and then ring them out too. I don’t think so.

Car Wash: You’d think that working at a car wash wouldn’t be that bad. Oh how wrong you are. It’s not as simple as pushing a button and letting the car be washed by the machines. How about the time the car got stuck inside the car wash while it was still going and I had to push it out. Or that time when I got sprayed in the leg with hot wax and it took off all the hair on my legs. Yeah, on the scale of 1-10 for how fun working at a car wash is, it would be -2.

Dog Kennel: I thought that walking dogs would be a great way to pick up chicks. I’d seem caring, sensitive etc etc. I didn’t think about all the shit I would have to pick up and the amount of howling that would give anyone a permanent migraine. Not to mention all the scratches and bite marks that covered my body. I’m an animal lover but honestly this job sucks.

Food Server at Old Timers Home: Worst. Job. Ever. I cannot stand that old person smell. And the way that they chew their food. The way they always pinched my cheeks and tried to tell me stories about “the good ol’ days”. They never left a tip ever! Cheap bastards. What was I thinking when I applied for that job. Oh yea, I have to pay for college so I can get a good job so I can get a good salary to pay off all my loans.

I don’t know how long I’m going to be at Best Buy but it pays well and I basically do nothing. But anyways, think out what the job will really be like before you apply for it. Unless you are desperate, like I was.


RotN Productions said...

Just don't work ever again. That's the only solution.

Tiffany said...

Dog walking is probably the worst way to pick up chicks, it just shows girls that you don't have a real job and therefore don't get a good pay check!!

Tiffany said...

Oh Yeah, and I worked at friendlys for a day, and quit because i watched people eat the customers food, lick there fingers while scooping ice cream and sticking there hands back into the tubs, they didn't where gloves, or hair nets while cooking. It was pretty gross.