Thursday, April 26, 2007

Benjamins, Baby, Benjamins

College life has really taken a heavy toll on my bank account. Watching my bank account deplete after buying things like book after book, paying to live in a jail cell, as some like to call a "dorm room", I decided something had to change. So I have decided to get creative and see how long I can go without spending money. These are some of the things I have done, and let me tell you it works, although some start to call you a mooch. Don't let that bring you down. They're just jealous they're not as savvy when it comes time for saving money.

1. Water bills are always a killer. What are the use of friends if you can't pop in for a quick shower every now and then?
2. Take full advantage of free samples. Looking for a meal on the go? Try Costco, especially on the weekends. You won't be dissapointed.
3. Need to look good for a date? The mall has what you need. Try the makeup counters and perfume stands. You'll look fresh while smelling sweet for free.
4. Cell phone bills are a constant issue for complaints. Try this line "My cell phone is dead. Can I borrow yours? It'll only take a second" It's not your fault if that second turns into a hour.
5. Need to run some errands but you're low on gas? Test drive a car, while doing your grocery shopping. It gets them every time.
6. Need to catch up on the latest Hollywood gossip, or international news, but you're wallet's looking pretty empty? Hit up local super markets, Barnes and Nobles, or CVS and browse their reading sections.
7. Do you really want to go see that new Brad Pitt film but aren't willing to pony up the ten bucks? While people exit the movie theater from the back door, hold the door open for them like you were just leaving and when everyone has exited sneak in. Everyone enjoys a free movie.
8."Forgetting" your wallet is always convenient. "Oh, I would love to go half and half for dinner, but I can't seem to find my wallet."
9. In college, a big expense is ink. After printing about 10 term papers, your spent. Why not go to the library and print out all your assingments? While your at it, just print out anything you can find. Hey, it's not your ink.
10. Flowers are always a nice gift. Whether it's a date, or Mother's day, flowers are a sure fire way to get a pat on the back. But, flowers are expensive. Your neighbor MIGHT not miss those daisies though.

Hope these are helpful! They work for us. What can I say, the life of a mooch ain't easy. Be creative!

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