Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Lifetime of the Rich and the Famous

I have a bone to pick with the world. I cannot stand how we have no-talent actors, coughKeanuReevescough, making ten million bucks a movie, while the nation’s teachers are being paid barely better than the local high school dropout who works part-time at Wal-Mart. It sickens me to watch TV and see Oprah talking to Tom Cruise and come to the realization that she is worth like 50 billion dollars just for talking about lame topics. Hey guess what! Teachers do that everyday, however what teachers talk about is actually interesting and useful!
Now I am a guy, and I love all kinds of sports. However I still do not understand why professional athletes, who are regular people with an elementary understanding of the world with barely above average athletic skill, are getting paid MILLIONS of dollars just to play a simple game of ball.
The people who really should be getting this money are the people who help shape the future of this nation. Mainly me, a future teacher. Teachers, doctors, and scientists should be the ones who make the big bucks. Basically this group of professionals determines the direction that the country will move forward to. And what do actors and pro athletes do to contribute to society? Not that much, just a little entertainment here and there. So I am calling for a revolution. Lets pull a Robin Hood. Lets take from the rich and give it to the poor (professions). Please help me; I’m sick of people who barely do work getting tons of money. Plus I hate being poor.

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