Friday, April 27, 2007

Don't Forget about the Washingtons, baby

So, here I am in college. Working hard to earn a good GPA, staying up all hours of the night slaving over papers. And here's the kicker, I am PAYING for this. So not only am I loosing money by not being able to have a full time job, but I am paying to go here.
So, the other day my high school friend Ben sends me a message online. He never went to college or did well in school. He always slacked off most of high school, while I struggled to get good grades to get into a good college. He asks me what I have been up to and I explain about my sleepless nights, and ten papers due next week. He tells me how he's living in a brand new house, fully furnished, with his girlfriend. That was a low blow, seeing how I live in a four white wall prison cell. But, I brushed it off. Then I asked him what he had been up to. Somehow, by the Grace of God, he managed to land some big time job buying parts and selling them for a company. Huh? I have never even heard of a job like that! He told me he was just job searching and applied and got the job. And here's the best part. He makes 35,000 a year without a college degree! How is that even possible? That's more than I will make as a teacher when I graduate with a degree. What has the world come to? This is a complete and utter injustice.

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